Rosso Francia - Production of slabs and tiles | Ziche Marmi
Rosso Francia
polished, honed, brushed, sandblasted

Rosso Francia marble, also known as Rouge Incarnat or Languedoc, is a historic French marble used since the nineteenth century for churches and noble palaces. Rosso Francia is a high-quality material, with a bright red color, with elegant white veins. The good structure of this marble allows its use with multiple finishes, even if the polished or the most honed finish are the ones that are best suited to enhance its color. Quarries produce medium to large blocks. Rouge Incarnat slabs are always resined, to reduce defects or micro-cracks. At Ziche Marmi, all Rosso Francia slabs are processed in the modern factory through the use of the most modern technologies, in particular, the slabs are resined three times in vacuum with epoxy resins, guaranteeing a top-quality product. Rosso Francia is recommended for indoor applications and it can be used in general for stairs, bathrooms, walls, tables, fireplaces…

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