Rosso Asiago vein cut - Production of slabs and tiles | Ziche
Rosso Asiago al contro
saw cut, polished, honed, brushed, sandblasted, bushammered

Rosso Asiago marble is the most important material extracted in the Asiago plateau in Vicenza Province (Italy), where it is present in large quantities and in quarry-layers (bancate) of various height. Depending on the area of ​​origin and the quarry-layer of extraction various types are distinguished, among which are Rosso Asiago Broccato, Rosso Asiago Fiorito and Rosso Asiago Magnaboschi. Rosso Asiago Vein Cut, on the other hand, derives from the cutting of blocks in a sense perpendicular to that of the vein. This type of sawing is carried out rarely because of the modest height of most of the blocks. The slabs have a strong color between brown and blood red and have good uniformity. This marble is extremely hard and durable, it is suitable for all internal and external uses such as floors, walls, claddings, fireplaces, countertops, bathrooms,…

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