Perlato Sicilia - Production of slabs and tiles | Ziche Marmi
Perlato Sicilia
saw cut, polished, honed, brushed, sandblasted, bushammered

Perlato Sicilia is an Italian marble extracted in the marble district of Custonaci in the Province of Trapani. Perlato Sicilia is characterized by the dark ivory color of the background, decorated with light or dark brown specks, which are actually microfossils. Another characteristic of this marble is the vein, very similar to that of Botticino marble and light brown in color. Perlato Sicilia is always available in good quantities, and thanks to its excellent structural qualities it is used both indoors and outdoors. It is a marble used commonly for the realization of internal and external floors, stairs, platforms, thresholds, kitchen tops, walls, claddings, …

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