Princess Nourah University | Ziche - Il Marmo
For Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, Ziche Marmi supplied over 1,200 m2 of Botticino Light marble for the construction of the internal flooring. The choice of this material, with a very hard structure and a warm color, allowed to obtain a particularly elegant and luminous chromatic effect. To ensure the maximum color consistency in the product, the Botticino Light supplied was obtained from blocks coming from a single quarry-layer of the Ziche owned Paine quarry. Ziche works all the blocks extracted at its plant in Nuvolento (BS), internally realizing all the phases of the production chain from sawing to vacuum resin with epoxy resins, up to the surface finish of all the slabs.
Saudi Arabia
1200 SQM

Materials used in this project:



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